TUFF - 'The Ashigaru' Thai Boxing Shorts

Inspired by the history of Ashigaru, foot soldiers made up an extremely large but historically silent part of ancient Japan's armies. Ashigaru started out as hired soldiers, boasting limited skills and lacking war training. They offered more numbers to the army during conflicts such as the Mongol Invasion. Our designers would like to emphasize and give credit to Ashigaru who fought alongside Samurais from the beginning of wars with an assortment of weapons and armor.

Made of microfiber fabric. Lightweight, sweat-free, and quick dry. 100% handmade in Thailand.

Shorts should be hand washed cold and drip-dried for maximum longevity.

The improved pattern gives the shorts more flexibility and mobile, with a nicer fitting.

Brand TUFF Sport
Shipping Weight 0.3000kg
Shipping Width 0.250m
Shipping Height 0.050m
Shipping Length 0.250m
Shipping Cubic 0.003125000m3


By: on 1 July 2022
The materials they use is really nice. It has a great fit and definitely value for your money

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